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a place for people to meet and discuss all aspects of koi keeping and appreciation

2 posters

    What is it??

    best in variety

    Number of posts : 368
    Age : 59
    Location : Tyne & Wear
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    Registration date : 2009-02-09

    What is it?? Empty What is it??

    Post  sheryl Sun May 10, 2009 5:15 am

    I read on another forum that someone had a pond that was like pea soup!
    Another member asked them had they done the pint test! What I thought is the pint test! lol!

    I take it it's not to drink your self stupid and hope the water looks clearer the drunker you get. So can anyone explain the pint test to me please??
    best in variety

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 67
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    Points : 6298
    Registration date : 2009-02-08

    What is it?? Empty Re: What is it??

    Post  chr1ssy Sun May 10, 2009 2:31 pm

    I guess it could be that in a pint glass it would show whether it was poor maintenance with particals or just algea with green tint to water.

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