kashiraponds Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:19 am
Oh its so easy, to pick a crap baby over a good one. When I built Mark & Lisa Davies house up at Cuttlebrook I was lucky enough to help with culls on several occasions. so if we are culling Showa for instance, there is a certain shade of sumi(black) that is required, a depth of beni(red) to look for, good skin and a milky white. Some will even have no beni, just look like little Shiro these have a much higher chance of developing secondary Hi as they grow. Where have You been looking to purchase fry from? the chances are all You will get sent out is chags,mags and dirty looking things in any case.
At only 6 weeks old anything that looks like it may be worth something will be kept and grown on until the next cull or end of summer. Its perfect business sense to keep something that at the time of cull You will only get a couple of quid for when if You sit on it until harvest the least You will get is £30, these guys have to pay the bills.
At Harvest I know both Maurice and Mark will keep anything with promise so it can be harvested at Nissai in the hope it will of improved and warrant a higher price tag, and be a great example of what can be produced on there farms.
If You are interestd in growing stuff on for little money its well worth a visit to a KOiquest day at Cuttlebrook where they have a pic and mix of the years harvested tosai, these again are Koi that are underpar, but atleast You stand a chance and can see what Your getting.
Hope this helps