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3 posters

    when not to look at your koi in the pond

    best in show

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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  anubisram Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:52 pm

    not advisable when you are running a fever with bad chest infection!
    stooping over the pond took a coughing fit...went dizzy...grabbed the electric fence around the pond...lost balance and nearly went arse over tit into the pond
    best in variety

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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  sheryl Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:14 pm

    Bleeding hell you could have ended up as toast! lol! Why an electric fence?
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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  anubisram Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:17 pm

    herons, cats, foxes and kids
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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  chr1ssy Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:19 pm

    Glad to hear you did not fall in the consequences could have been nastey..... LOL for the koi.... fried tattoo's....LOL
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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  sheryl Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:21 pm

    Kids lol! Well at least you still here cheers
    best in show

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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  anubisram Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:22 pm

    lol - so far this is not my week
    best in variety

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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  sheryl Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:43 pm

    I think you might be right about that is Geoff ok you said mauled? but you never said how badly
    best in show

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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  anubisram Mon Jun 15, 2009 2:58 pm

    Quite a savage attack for no reason -badly injured his hind leg - he is still in a state of shock. I had him in my arms at shoulder height and the ba***rds still tried to get him
    Police coming tomorrow night
    What makes me mad is the owner is a Paramedic - he never has them on a lead - I wonder how many times he has been called to incidents with dogs attacking kids? this all took place 20 yards from a childrens playground - the dogs were heading in that direction when they spotted Geoff
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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  sheryl Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:06 pm

    It make you sick when they cant keep control of there dogs! Bad enough it attact the dog but as you say it could have been a child. They should have been muzzled.
    best in show

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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  anubisram Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:11 pm

    and on a lead ! luckily it wasn't my youngest taking him for a walk i would hate to think what could have happened
    best in variety

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    when not to look at your koi in the pond Empty Re: when not to look at your koi in the pond

    Post  sheryl Mon Jun 15, 2009 3:28 pm

    I dread to think I bet it would have attacted him also! Mad
    Poor Geoff I hope he's on the mend soon Neutral

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