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a place for people to meet and discuss all aspects of koi keeping and appreciation

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    koi masters advantage


    Number of posts : 66
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    Registration date : 2009-02-10

    koi masters advantage Empty koi masters advantage

    Post  duckviglen Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:58 pm

    Well here goes just ordered my first batch of koi masters advantage, going to use it with my humminic clay , super c and magic powder, what would be the best way to do this?
    best in show

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    koi masters advantage Empty Re: koi masters advantage

    Post  anubisram Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:58 pm

    from what i can gather masters advantage replaces super c and magic
    However it does not contain clay so you will need to continue with humnic
    see thread in dealer section
    best in variety

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    koi masters advantage Empty Re: koi masters advantage

    Post  chr1ssy Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:05 pm


    No need for super C magic powder anymore when using masters advantage it has some of this in the mixture.

    I find mixing it in a large coffee jar with pond water the easiest give it a good shake then pour around the pond. Your pond will go cloudy for several days on the the first dose, it does clear quicker on future useage.

    Let us know your findings with it, I think you will be pleased.

    Number of posts : 66
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    Registration date : 2009-02-10

    koi masters advantage Empty Re: koi masters advantage

    Post  duckviglen Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:54 am

    hi Chrissy
    i all ready have a pouch of each unused of super c and magic and didnt want it to go to waste, didnt want to cause damage to koi by overdosing the water ( if possible). also a full bag of humminc clay.
    i added the tub you gave me as per your instructions and the fish seemed to be even more perky after a couple of hours. cant wait to start adding the advantage.
    at the moment ive just added some eco gold to kill off the dreaded blanket weed.
    best in variety

    Number of posts : 560
    Age : 67
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    Points : 6298
    Registration date : 2009-02-08

    koi masters advantage Empty Re: koi masters advantage

    Post  chr1ssy Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:20 pm

    Sounds like you will have some stunningley crystal water in a week or so, I have also found the advantage keeps the blanketweed under control too.

    The magic & super C will keep for ages so if you ever run out of the advantage you could always use these.

    The clay can still be used with advantage.

    Happy koi keeping. Very Happy

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